
Gillitzer, V., Rath, A., Caplunik-Pratsch, A., Däumling, S., Schneider-Brachert, W., & Gaube, S. (2024). Counselling sessions for patients in contact isolation due to multi-drug-resistant organisms improve informedness and reduce dissatisfaction. Journal of Hospital Infection, 154, 53-59.

Gaube, S., Walton, K., Kleine, A. K., Däumling, S., Rohrmeier, C., Müller, S., ... & Schneider-Brachert, W. (2023). Examining outpatients' hand hygiene behaviour and its relation to COVID-19 infection prevention measures. Journal of Hospital Infection, 141, 55-62.

Gaube, S., Däumling, S., Biebl, I., Rath, A., Caplunik-Pratsch, A., & Schneider-Brachert, W. (2023). (Mis-) Judgment of infection risks is associated with additional workload among healthcare workers when treating isolated patients. Journal of Hospital Infection, 133, 95-97. gensburg,

Gaube, S., Däumling, S., Biebl, I., Rath, A., Caplunik-Pratsch, A., & Schneider-Brachert, W. (2023). Patients with multi-drug-resistant organisms feel inadequately informed about their status: adverse effects of contact isolation. Journal of Hospital Infection, 133, 89-94.


seit 08/2024
Psychologische Psychotherapeutin i.A. an der Tagesklinik für Traumafolgestörungen des Technischen Universitätsklinikums München
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Praktikantin in der Klinik und Poliklinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie des Universiätsklinikums Dresden
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Auslandssemester, Universidad Austral de Chile
11/2021 – 07/2023
Studentische Hilfskraft, Universitätsklinikum Regensburg
10/2018 – 07/2021
Bachelor of Science in Psychologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
06/2019 - 07/2021
Studentische Hilfskraft, Klinikum rechts der Isar