Test-takers‘ affective experiences in adaptive vs. non-adaptive testing
Associations between physiological measures and subjective experiences of achievement emotions
Factors influencing psychophysiological processes in achievement situations
Meta-analysis on parental influences on students’ achievement emotions
Research Interests
Situational, family, and personal factors influencing emotional experiences in achievement situations
Use of physiological measures to capture psychological processes in learning and achievement contexts
Statistical methods to model intraindividual associations and processes
Since Oct. 2022
Doctoral student at LMU München, lab manager for FEEL-lab
Sept. 2021 to Sept. 2022
M.Sc. Psychological Research Methods with Advanced Statistics (University of Sheffield) Thesis: “Effect of a Parent-based Early Language Intervention on Parental Linguistic Input and the Mediating Role of Parental Self-Efficacy”
Oct. 2019 to Aug. 2021
M.Sc. Psychology: Learning Sciences (LMU München) Thesis: “Predictors, Components, and Outcomes of the Home Literacy Environment”
Oct. 2016 to Aug. 2019
B.Sc. Psychology (LMU München) Thesis: “Influence of Perceivers‘ Self-Interest on Perceptions of a Whistle-blower”
Awards and Scholarships
“Outstanding Performance Prize” for the highest aggregate mark of MSc Psychological Research with Advanced Statistics 2021/22
DAAD Scholarship for a Masters‘ Program Abroad (ca. 30.000 EUR)
University of Sheffield Psychology Bursary Award (1.500 GBP)
University of Sheffield International Postgraduate Merit Scholarship (6.250 GBP)
Talks and Conferences
Wünsch, M., Min, J., Eckerskorn, F., & Frenzel, A. C. (2024, November 25-27). Relation between Physiological and Self-Report Measures of Achievement Emotions – A Psychometric Network Approach [Paper presentation, invited symposium]. EARLI SIG27 Conference, Trondheim, Norway.
Wünsch, M. (2024, November 4). Physiological processes as a “component” of achievement emotions? – A psychometric network approach. Invited talk at the Quantitative Methods Hub at the Department of Education, University of Oxford.
Wünsch, M., Min, J., Eckerskorn, F., & Frenzel, A. C. (2024, September 16-19). Es kommt auf die inneren Werte an: Inter- und intraindividuelle Zusammenhänge zwischen psychophysiologischen Maßen und selbstberichteten Leistungsemotionen. [The Inner Values Count: Inter- and Intra-Individual Relations between Psychophysiology and Self-Reported Achievement Emotions; Poster presentation]. Biannual Meeting of the German Association of Psychology [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs], Vienna, Austria.
Eckerskorn, F., Wünsch, M., & Frenzel, A. C. (2024, September 16-19). Beeinflusst das akademische Selbstkonzept State Emotionen und physiologische Reaktionen in in-vivo Testsituationen? Eine Laborstudie mit angehenden Lehrkräften [Does the Academic Self-Concept influence State Emotions and Physiological Reactions in in-vivo Testing Situations? A Lab Study with Pre-Service Teachers; Paper presentation]. Biannual Meeting of the German Association of Psychology [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs], Vienna, Austria.
Wünsch, M., Luning, S., & Frenzel, A. (2024, April 11-14). Adaptive Testing – Blessing or Curse? Physiological and Subjective Stress Responses to Adaptive versus Fixed-Item Tests [Poster presentation]. 2024 AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
Wünsch, M., Frenzel, A., & Luning, S. (2024, March 18-20). Physiologische und Subjektive Stressreaktionen in Adaptiven vs. Nicht-Adaptiven Tests [Physiological and Subjective Stress Reactions in Adaptive vs. Non-Adaptive Tests; Paper presentation]. 11. GEBF Tagung, Potsdam, Germany.