Miriam Wünsch, M.Sc.

Research Assistant | Doctoral Student

Psychology in the Learning Sciences

Coordinator: Lab

Office address:

Leopoldstraße 13

Room 3103

80802 Munich


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Postal address:

Leopoldstraße 13 | Postfach 64

80802 Munich | Germany



Current Projects

  • Test-takers‘ affective experiences in adaptive vs. non-adaptive testing
  • Associations between physiological measures and subjective experiences of achievement emotions
  • Factors influencing psychophysiological processes in achievement situations
  • Meta-analysis on parental influences on students’ achievement emotions

Research Interests

  • Situational, family, and personal factors influencing emotional experiences in achievement situations
  • Use of physiological measures to capture psychological processes in learning and achievement contexts
  • Statistical methods to model intraindividual associations and processes


Since Oct. 2022
Doctoral student at LMU München, lab manager for FEEL-lab
Sept. 2021 to Sept. 2022
M.Sc. Psychological Research Methods with Advanced Statistics (University of Sheffield)
Thesis: “Effect of a Parent-based Early Language Intervention on Parental Linguistic Input and the Mediating Role of Parental Self-Efficacy”
Oct. 2019 to Aug. 2021
M.Sc. Psychology: Learning Sciences (LMU München)
Thesis: “Predictors, Components, and Outcomes of the Home Literacy Environment”
Oct. 2016 to Aug. 2019
B.Sc. Psychology (LMU München)
Thesis: “Influence of Perceivers‘ Self-Interest on Perceptions of a Whistle-blower”

Awards and Scholarships

  • “Outstanding Performance Prize” for the highest aggregate mark of MSc Psychological Research with Advanced Statistics 2021/22
  • DAAD Scholarship for a Masters‘ Program Abroad (ca. 30.000 EUR)
  • University of Sheffield Psychology Bursary Award (1.500 GBP)
  • University of Sheffield International Postgraduate Merit Scholarship (6.250 GBP)

Talks and Conferences

  • Wünsch, M., Min, J., Eckerskorn, F., & Frenzel, A. C. (2024, November 25-27). Relation between Physiological and Self-Report Measures of Achievement Emotions – A Psychometric Network Approach [Paper presentation, invited symposium]. EARLI SIG27 Conference, Trondheim, Norway.
  • Wünsch, M. (2024, November 4). Physiological processes as a “component” of achievement emotions? – A psychometric network approach. Invited talk at the Quantitative Methods Hub at the Department of Education, University of Oxford.
  • Wünsch, M., Min, J., Eckerskorn, F., & Frenzel, A. C. (2024, September 16-19). Es kommt auf die inneren Werte an: Inter- und intraindividuelle Zusammenhänge zwischen psychophysiologischen Maßen und selbstberichteten Leistungsemotionen. [The Inner Values Count: Inter- and Intra-Individual Relations between Psychophysiology and Self-Reported Achievement Emotions; Poster presentation]. Biannual Meeting of the German Association of Psychology [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs], Vienna, Austria.
  • Eckerskorn, F., Wünsch, M., & Frenzel, A. C. (2024, September 16-19). Beeinflusst das akademische Selbstkonzept State Emotionen und physiologische Reaktionen in in-vivo Testsituationen? Eine Laborstudie mit angehenden Lehrkräften [Does the Academic Self-Concept influence State Emotions and Physiological Reactions in in-vivo Testing Situations? A Lab Study with Pre-Service Teachers; Paper presentation]. Biannual Meeting of the German Association of Psychology [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs], Vienna, Austria.
  • Wünsch, M., Luning, S., & Frenzel, A. (2024, April 11-14). Adaptive Testing – Blessing or Curse? Physiological and Subjective Stress Responses to Adaptive versus Fixed-Item Tests [Poster presentation]. 2024 AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
  • Wünsch, M., Frenzel, A., & Luning, S. (2024, March 18-20). Physiologische und Subjektive Stressreaktionen in Adaptiven vs. Nicht-Adaptiven Tests [Physiological and Subjective Stress Reactions in Adaptive vs. Non-Adaptive Tests; Paper presentation]. 11. GEBF Tagung, Potsdam, Germany.