Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee advises and supports researchers in the evaluation of ethical and legal issues in psychological and educational research on humans, including research with personal data and in security-relevant areas.

Research with People

The Commission supports researchers by offering advice and assisting in assessing ethical and legal aspects of research projects involving humans.

The researcher retains full responsibility for their research project. The Commission's decisions are limited exclusively to the assessment of ethical and legal aspects of research projects conducted or supervised by members of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at LMU, as well as the reasonableness of the experimental conditions for the subjects.


Prof. Dr. Moritz Heene
Prof. Dr. Markus Paulus
Prof. Dr. Simone Schütz-Bosbach
Prof. Dr. Thomas Geyer
Prof. Dr. Frank Niklas

Dr. Inken Brockow
Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit

Edith Paintner
Richterin am Oberlandesgericht München (34. Zivilsenat)


Central notes

  • The responsibility for the research project remains with the researcher.
  • The Commission assesses the reasonableness of the test conditions for the participants.
  • The Ethics Committee only assesses research projects that are formally administered by the Department of Psychology and Education at LMU and for which the main applicant has a main affiliation at this faculty.
  • The Ethics Committee does not review projects relating to quality assurance. Quality control measures do not require approval and therefore do not fall within its remit.
  • Doctoral applications must be submitted exclusively by the supervisor.

Only fully completed applications with all required documents will be processed. The documents must be submitted to the Chair of the Ethics Committee in electronic form no later than 17 days before the respective meeting of the Ethics Committee.

Documents for the application

Rules of procedure (PDF, 675 KB)

Guidance for the preparation of declarations of consent based on the recommendations of the DGPS for the implementation of the GDPR (DOCX, 29 KB)

Useful templates for materials for volunteers of the DGPS Ethics Committee

Form for the description of a processing activity according to GDPR (DOCX, 65 KB)

Application form (DOCX, 198 KB)

Key Questions to Differentiate between Research Projects and Quality Assurance

Should new findings be generated (research) or the performance of an accepted, evidence-based practice be evaluated (quality assurance)?

Is it about research-related innovations or replications or about better services and more efficient care structures (e.g. routine psychological or educational duties; control, management and/or safety of current practice; patient care; user-friendliness of websites or data collection apps, etc.)?

Are the expected findings generalisable or do they primarily concern a local/regional institution or organisation?

Is the methodology specified in the protocol necessary and sufficient for answering the scientific question (hypothesis) or are the research methods poorly defined and adapted to the evaluation and optimisation of a local care practice?

Notes for amendments

  • Change from anonymised to pseudonymised data or non-GDPR-compliant storage
  • Exchange of experimental paradigms or questionnaires
  • More questionnaire data leads to a study time of over 1/3 of the original duration
  • Expansion of inclusion and exclusion criteria, e.g. inclusion of further mental or medical disorders
  • Reduction in remuneration

  • Increase in sample size
  • Changing the investigation period
  • Conducting another experiment with the same measurement methods
  • Replacing questionnaires with short versions or equivalent questionnaires with the same measurement range
  • Adaptation of the experimental design, e.g. the time interval of the presentation for neutral stimulus material is changed

responsible for the content of this page: Moritz Heene